International Bees’ Protection Day

In 2008 the Russian Beekeeping company “Tentorium” addressed the UNO with the initiative to establish an international day devoted to the bee and declare the 14th of September as the International Bees' Protection Day.

Everyone can contribute to the establishment of the International Bees' Protection Day right now. Vote on our website and get a personal certificate of your participation in Russian or English. When we are together, any mission is possible!

2009 is marked by the beginning of World Save the Bees Fund’s work. WSBF appeals to people who care, youth and adults, living on different continents: SAVE THE BEES!

Let people know about the threat of bees’ disappearance! Your vote and help are very important for the Planet!

Let there always be sunshine, let there always be the sky, let there always be the bees, flowers, and let there always be future for people! Congratulations on the International Bees Protection Day!

UNO petition

The Initiative to establish the International Bees’ Protection Day

September 14, 2008 - Photos of the celebration of the International Bees’ Protection Day.

The 14th of September 2009 - a photo report on celebrating the International Bees’ Protection Day in the Russian cities.

The 14th of September 2009 - The celebration of the International Bees' Protection Day in Ekaterinburg (Russia)

To view video you must install Adobe Flash Player 8+ first.

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