Financial support of the projects on tender basis

The Fund's Board makes the Expert Council for the Fund’s grants, approves the Regulations on the Expert Council and its members. Examination of creative projects and decisions are made by the Council with the assistance of specialists in the fields. The Fund’s grants are awarded by the Expert Council according to the results of the tender.

Competitors for grants can be individuals with individual projects as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations, irrespective of their forms of ownership, which take an active part in beekeeping, veterinary beekeeping, processing of bee products and Apitherapy.

The Fund’s Grants are allocated in the form of action gratuitous grants and their recipients are accountable for their spending to the Board of the Fund.
Lists of grant recipients is published on the website no later than 01 September of the current year.

Recipients of grants are placed on the site
- a summary of the winning project - within one month of receipt of the decision of the Expert Council to award a grant;
- reports on the implementation of projects - monthly, not later than the last day of each month.

Complete set of documents shall be submitted in duplicate before the 30th of April. Applications submitted after the announced deadline for consideration in the current year are not accepted.

The main branches of financed projects:

* study of bees’ diseases and how to combat them; monitoring of the epidemiological situation and evaluation of the causes of the collapse of bee colonies.
* study and conservation of biological diversity of bees;
* preservation of traditional ways of using biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices that are compatible with conservation or sustainable use;
* innovation and optimization of the technology of keeping bee colonies, receiving, processing and use of bee products, including the use of bees in agrarian technique (pollination);
* study of the effect of bee products on a human body;
* quality control of bee products; promotion of apiculture, consumption of bee products and Apitherapy

Requirements for projects:
* The project should be clearly stated;
* The project should include a program of actions for the project;
* Work on the project should be concrete and practically important;
* The project’s budget must be current at the date of filing;
* The project should include qualitative and quantitative criteria to assess the outcome of the project.

Criteria for project evaluation by Advisory Council:
* Explanation of the significance and relevance of the problem;
* Practical significance of the project;
* Setting of the project’s goals and objectives;
* Originality and novelty of the approaches in solving the problem;
* Consistency in the program of actions and the presence of a team for the project;
* The degree of implementation of the project;
* The developer’s contribution to the project.

“Regulations on the Awarding of Grants”

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